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November 12, 2002Kansas Corn Commission partners in e-diesel project A cleaner burning diesel fuel made with ethanol, or e-diesel as it's called in the industry, is moving toward commercialization, say officials at the Kansas Corn Commission.
The statewide body is partnering on a new national research alliance that includes researchers at the University of Illinois.
Those researchers are evaluating engine durability, emissions, compatibility with engines and components, safety and field testing in three John Deere engine lines used in off-road equipment.
"There are a lot of good reasons we should be looking into e-diesel," says Ken McCauley of the KCC. "This fuel is already being tested and those tests are showing that e-diesel substantially reduces polluting emissions and performs better in winter conditions."
Project collaborators hope to first commercialize the fuel for off-road use with the end goal of entering the full diesel market, KCC officials say.
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More on this project and other endeavors are available in the commission's annual report at http://www.ksgrains.com/kcc.
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