PO Box 159
5015 Cty Rd 12
Cotopaxi, CO 81223
(719) 942-4353
Fax: (719) 942-4358

October 6-7, 2003
Drake Hotel
Chicago, Illinois

Symposium Overview

Symposium Agenda

Online Registration

Chicago map

Symposium Brochure
(221k PDF)

Anne Wester

2002 Regional Ethanol Symposiums for Lenders:


Monday, October 6, 2003

Special Optional Opportunity

11:00am  "Bird's Eye View" of the
Chicago Board of Trade
FCStone invites participants of the Lenders Symposium to see first-hand the world’s most exciting trade exchange at work.
(Note: Tours of the CBOT are not given to the general public, and access to this optional event will be through this pre-arranged group only)

National Ethanol Symposium for Lenders - Drake Hotel

10:00am  Symposium Registration Desk Opens
1:30pm - 1:45pm  Symposium Opening Remarks
  • Mike Bryan, President,
    BBI International
1:45pm - 2:15pm  A National Overview
World energy drives public policy… public policy drives renewables. One of the nation’s experts discusses America’s energy policy.
  • Larry Schafer, Renewable Fuels Association
2:15pm - 3:00pm  Perspective by Panel of Peers
Lender representatives will discuss important issues and set the stage for program discussions, including an overview of the current ethanol capital market.
  • Brian Thome, 1st National bank of Omaha
  • Tom Houser, CoBank
  • Mark Schmidt, AgStar Financial Services
3:00pm - 3:45pm  Building an Ethanol Facility: “Concept to Construction”
This session deals with the manner in which a typical ethanol project is conceived, created, and finally built. What are the steps, the motivations? This session will also include information on what is required in terms of capital expenditures, construction schedule, capital draw down, and financial projections.
  • Mark Yancey, BBI International
3:45pm - 4:00pm  Refreshment Break

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4:00pm - 4:45pm  The Ethanol Market
We know how to make ethanol, the question is once it's made is there a market for it?  What is the market now?  Where will it be in the future?  Will we over-produce?  How is ethanol priced?  And more.
  • Steve Bleyl, Renewable Products Marketing Group
  • Jim Redding, Aventine Renewable Energy, Inc.
4:45pm - 5:45pm  Coproduct Markets
Coproducts make up a significant percentage of the actual profit of an ethanol plant.  Understanding the markets, both present and future, is essential.
  • DDG: Steve Markham, Commodity Specialists
  • C02: Bruce Woerner, Air Gas
  • New Products: Vijay Singh, University of Illinois
6:00pm - 7:00pm  Networking Reception

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Tuesday, October 7, 2003

8:00am  Registration and Continental Breakfast

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9:00am - 9:30am  The Successful Management Team
Having the right people and players can make or break a project. This discussion will identify some of the things to watch for.
  • Kevin Edberg, Cooperative Development Services
9:30am - 10:30am  The Organizational Structure
Many of the new plants are cooperatives, LLC's, or a combination of both.  This panel explores the options and opportunities.
  • Bill Hanigan, Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Baskerville & Schoenebaum, PLC
10:30am - 10:45am  Refreshment Break

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10:45am - 11:30am  Federal and State Incentives
USDA loan guarantees, CCC program, federal tax incentives, state and local incentives
  • Representative, Illinois Corn Growers Assn. (invited)
11:30am - 12:30pm  Networking Luncheon

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12:30pm - 1:45pm  Energy, Commodities and Risk Management
Methods for managing risks and variables for more predictable operations.
  • Peter Nessler, FCStone
  • Dan Schroeder, US Energy Services
1:45pm - 3:00pm  Discussion Forum
An open discussion...What did we learn? What do we still need to know? And more!
3:00pm  Adjourn


Further Information:

Anne Wester
BBI International
PO Box 159
5015 County Rd. 12
Cotopaxi, CO 81223
Phone: 719-942-4353
Fax: 719-942-4358

Copyright © 2003, BBI International

Company Info