Ethanol Producer Magazine
308 2nd Ave. North Suite 304
Grand Forks, ND 58203

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Ethanol Producer Magazine

Ethanol Producer Magazine is a monthly magazine for the ethanol and biomass industry, which focuses on production and marketing issues. The magazine also focuses on new hires and employment opportunities in the ethanol and biomass industries.

Ethanol Producer Magazine has more pages than The Energy Independent newsletter which EPM replaced, with four-color printing throughout the magazine.

Subscription Rates (all amounts in US$)
Ethanol Producer Magazine is published monthly.
United States Canada International
(outside US & CAN)
Ethanol Producers

12 Issues $24.95

12 Issues $59.95

12 Issues


* FREE subscriptions for Ethanol Producers: if you are an employee or executive of a currently operating or under construction ethanol production facility, you qualify for a FREE one-year subscription to Ethanol Producer Magazine.  Advertisers are also entitled to one free subscription. Please call, write or email if you have any questions regarding qualification. 

Prospective advertisers, please see the 2003-2004 Ethanol Producer Magazine Media Kit or the 2003 ad rates.

You can subscribe online or click here to download a subscription form.  If not subscribing online, please Mail or Fax form with payment to:

Ethanol Producer Magazine Subscriptions
308 2nd Avenue North, Suite 304
Grand Forks, ND 58203

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