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5015 County Road 12
Cotopaxi, CO 81223
(719) 942-4353
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Producer Workshops

EWS Newsletter

Participating States
   New York
   South Carolina

Ethanol Producers' Technical Workshop:
Building Bridges to More Profitable Ethanol Production

Crowne Plaza
Omaha, Nebraska
March 22, 2001 - 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

The workshop will review upcoming cellulosic hydrolysis technologies, current and innovative ethanol production technologies, and new co-products. The workshop will map out transitional strategies with the goal of discovering effective, profitable ways to merge grain and cellulosic ethanol production. Advantages and opportunities will be explored, barriers and obstacles identified, and necessary "next steps" laid out and critiqued. Workshop attendees will be encouraged to contribute and participate.

Preliminary Agenda
8:30 am Welcome
8:45 am State of the Industry
9:00 am

Review of Current Activities

  • Review of Bridge Projects
  • Near-Term Enzyme-Ethanol Project & Two Stage Dilute Acid Technology Opportunities
  • Purdue-Williams Fiber Conversion (wet mill)
  • CRADAs (Cooperative Research and Development Agreements)
  • Past Efforts
  • Overview of New Efforts
  • Life Cycle Analysis of Corn Stove
10:45 am Break
11:00 am Availability of Cellulosic Feedstocks
11:20 am Harvesting and delivery of feedstocks
11:40 am Coproducts
12:00 noon Lunch
1:00 -
2:30 pm
Producer Forum Breakouts

Breakout I - Practical Applications

  • What technology is applicable to my plant?
  • Can they run simultaneously

Breakout II - Costs

  • What about the cost of installation?
  • Production costs?
2:30 -
4:00 pm
Wrap-up - What's Still Missing and What Needs to be Done? As a group, attendees will list the outcomes of the breakouts and identify questions that still need to be answered. A plant-transition task force will also be established.

Please check this site often for the latest details, activities and agendas.

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