PO Box 159
5015 County Road 12
Cotopaxi, CO 81223
(719) 942-4353
Fax: (719) 942-4358


EWS Newsletter
January 2001
June 2000
New York
South Carolina
South Dakota
July 2000
October 2000

DOE Ethanol Workshop Series

Ethanol Workshop Series News - June 2000
A Newsletter about the DOE/RBEP workshops and follow-on activities



The DOE/RBEP Ethanol Workshop Series (EWS), sponsored by the DOE Office of Fuels Development, is in its second year. The EWS News is an electronic newsletter, available in hard copy by request, and serves as a tool to keep everyone abreast of the activities occurring in participating states. The EWS, a farsighted program that prepares the pathway for potential ethanol production from cellulosic materials, is still in a pioneering stage, and we thank everyone involved for working with us as the pattern for follow-on assistance evolves. Proposals for the $5,000 grant for states to conduct follow-on activities for the 1999 Workshops should be sent to your Regional Bioenergy Program Manager immediately. Please remember, these funds need to be expended in this fiscal year, which ends on September 30th, or they may be lost. And, as you'll see from the following calendar, September is already very full. Your proposal need not be only for a second workshop, it can be used to help defer the costs of educational materials, a study, meeting expenses… what ever a state needs. Your RBEP manager can give you the guidelines.

While the broad based goal of the EWS is to develop a cellulose ethanol plant in every state using the emerging technologies, the program works closely with the grain ethanol industry, and also encourages the development of new markets for ethanol. The 1999 Workshops were held in Alabama, Alaska, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, South Dakota and Wisconsin. The 2000 workshop states are Colorado, Indiana, New York, Ohio, Oregon/Washington, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas. When in final form, Workshop agendas are posted at www.bbiethanol.com as well as at most state bioenergy websites.


Phil Badger and I have very much enjoyed working with the planning committees in every state. Although there are some commonalities, it's fascinating how individual the situation in each state is. The planning committee members all have very full agendas, yet they make a commitment to strive for the success of this unique program. The EWS News can help the states with planning and ideas by exchanging experiences. It will be emailed to all members of the planning committees and other interested parties. Feel free to forward to me the contact information of others who should receive the publication and… welcome to our inaugural issue!

The deadline dates for the upcoming issues of the EWS News are included in the calendar below. It is important to share activities with other participating states, so please be sure to take a moment and email your news to Kathy Bryan at bbikathy@ris.net. Your participation is valuable and will be appreciated by everyone.

Anyone who would like to receive the EWS News by mail rather than email, please let me know at bbikathy@ris.net and we'll place you on the hard copy mailing list.

June 13 - Workshop & NREL PDU tour in Golden, Colorado
June 16 - New York planning committee conference call
July 10 - Deadline for second issue of the EWS News
August 15 - Second Workshop in Lansing, Michigan
August 29 - Second Workshop in Alaska (Ketchikan)
September 1 - Deadline for third issue of the EWS News
September 12 - Workshop in Indianapolis, Indiana
September 14 - Workshop in Albany, New York
September 19 - Workshop in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
September 27 - Workshop & Ethanol Vehicle Challenge Winners' Celebration in Austin, Texas
September 30 - Deadline for fourth issue of the EWS News

To be decided:

South Carolina - September 2000
Wisconsin (2nd workshop)

Regional Bioenergy Program Managers



EWS News is published by Bryan & Bryan Inc. (BBI), Cotopaxi, Colorado. Kathy Bryan, Ph: 719-942-4353, Email: kbryan@bbibiofuels.com, website: www.bbiethanol.com.

Please check this site often for the latest details, activities and agendas.

Copyright © 2000, Bryan & Bryan Inc.

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