DOE Ethanol Workshop Series
Oklahoma Ethanol Workshop
Setting the Stage for Ethanol in Oklahoma January 28, 2003 9:00am to 4:30pm Oklahoma City Marriott 3233 Northwest Expressway Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Fuel ethanol production in America has reached historic levels. In some states, fuel ethanol production supports rural economies. In others, fuel ethanol reduces air pollution. All across the U.S. ethanol reduces dependence on imported oil and provides consumers with energy diversification and added fuel choice. Could Oklahoma tap its own resources to produce some of its own transportation fuel? What would be involved? What would be the costs and benefits? The workshop will address these questions and others.
See updated agenda below.
Who Should Attend:
Fuel producers, distributors, retailers, and consumers; regulators; decision-makers; financiers; automotive service technicians; vehicle enthusiasts; environmentalists; media; and the general public.
Sponsored by:
- U.S. Department of Energy
Gold Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
- Victory Energy
- Oklahoma Farmers Union
- Projects Plus
Hosted by:
- Oklahoma Department of Agriculture
- Oklahoma Deparment of Environmental Quality
- Oklahoma Conservation Commission
- Oklahoma Corporation Commission
- Central Oklahoma Clean Cities Coalition
For program information, contact:
Gary Bledsoe, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture
Phone: 405-830-1341, E-mail: gary@ods.state.ok.us
For program information on the US DOE Ethanol Workshop Series Workshops, please contact Anne Wester:
Anne Wester
Conference Planning Assistant
BBI International
PO Box 1146
Salida, Colorado 81201
Phone: 719-539-0300
Fax: 719-539-0301
| Agenda | | |
8:00 AM |
Registration and Coffee
9:00 AM |
- Dennis Howard - Secretary of Agriculture, State of Oklahoma
9:15 AM |
The U.S. DOE Biofuels Initiative
- Ward Huffman, Bioenergy Lead, Senior Financial Specialist, U.S. Department of Energy
9:30 AM |
Ethanol – National and Nebraska Overviews
- Todd Sneller, Administrator, Nebraska Ethanol Board
10:00 AM |
Ethanol in Oklahoma – an Overview
- Terry Ruse, President, Projects Plus
10:30 AM |
10:45 AM |
Concurrent Breakouts Track I: Understanding the Markets
Changes In Gasoline – A Discussion About Changing To Ethanol-Blended Gasoline At The Wholesale And Retail Levels.
- Moderator: Mike Bryan, BBI International
- E10, E85, E-diesel, Fuel Cells - Bob Casper, Ethanol Products
- The Petroleum Perspective - Ron Ford, Oklahoma Petroleum Marketers Association
- Logistical Challenges and Solutions - Bruce Heine, Williams Energy
Track II: Producing Ethanol
Feedstock Options in Oklahoma
- Moderator: Kenneth Rose, President, Oklahoma Grain Sorghum Association
- Sorghum - Tim Snyder, National Grain Sorghum Association
- Hull-less Barley - Bruce Beahm, Virginia Crop Improvement Association
12:00 PM |
Legislative Luncheon Introducing the Results of the Oklahoma Feasibility Study – Can Oklahoma sustain an ethanol industry and what will the economic impact be?
- Paul Orentas, E&E; Development
Legislative Panel:
Moderator: Ralph Meade, Oklahoma Farmers Bureau
- Representative Dale Turner, Chairman, House Economic Development Committee
- Representative James Covey, Chairman, House Agriculture Committee
- Senator Bruce Price, Chairman, Senate Agriculture Committee
- Senator Paul Muegge
1:30 PM |
Concurrent Breakouts Track I: Understanding the Markets
Fleet use of ethanol – what are flexi-fuel cars and how can they help meet regulations for fleets?
- Moderator: Vaughn Clark, Deputy Division Director, Oklahoma Department of Commerce
- Mark Warren, General Motors
- Jim Schick, Ford Motor Company
- Yvonne Anderson, Association of Central Oklahoma Government- speaking on behalf of DaimlerChrysler
Track II: Producing Ethanol
Steps to Developing an Ethanol Plant – A Case Study and Points to Consider
- Moderator: Chris Williams, Vice President of Operations, 21st Century Producers
- Steps to developing an Ethanol Project: Brian Duff, BBI International
- Case Studies: Dave Kolsrud, Agri-Energy LLC
2:30 PM |
Concurrent Breakouts Track I: Understanding the Markets
Distillers Grains Market
- Moderator: Gary Bledsoe, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture
- Feeding Distillers Grains - Dr. Clint Krehbiel, Oklahoma State University
- Marketing Distillers Grains - Randy Ives, ICM Marketing
Track II: Producing Ethanol
Developing a Farmer-Owned Cooperative – How and Why?
- Moderator: Dr. Phil Kenkel, Professor, Oklahoma State University
- Cooperative vs. a LLC - Gary Derrick, Derrick & Briggs, LLP
- What the financer wants - Mark Schmidt, Ag Star Financial
3:30 PM |
Groups Reconvene to Develop a Pathway to an Ethanol Industry in Oklahoma Discussion Leader: Mike Bryan, BBI International
- Summary of Track I: Vaughn Clark, Oklahoma Department of Commerce
- Summary of Track II: Mason Mungle, Oklahoma Farmers Union
4:30 PM |
Renewable Diesel Workshops:
Goals: ..."to educate key public officials and the general public
about biodiesel as a transportation fuel" and ..."to build state and
local coalitions that would form the nuclei of a support group that
would promote and eventually lead to local biodiesel production and
Ethanol Producers'
Technical Workshops:
Perspectives from ethanol producers, production technology
providers, and government researchers. Those in attendance were
given the task of exploring the challenges and opportunities
presented by combining cellulosic ethanol streams with existing
grain streams.
US DOE Ethanol Workshop Series:
A series of one-day, state-level workshops to educate key public
officials and the general public about ethanol as a transportation
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