Renewable Diesel Workshops:
California Renewable Diesel Workshop
Renewable Diesel Fuels: The Flexible Options September 25, 2001 8:30AM to 4:00PM Hyatt Regency Hotel 1209 L Street Sacramento, California Goals & Objectives:
- NREL Goals: ..."to educate key public officials and the general public about biodiesel as a transportation fuel" and ..."to build state and local coalitions that would form the nuclei of a support group that would promote and eventually lead to local biodiesel production and use."
- California Planning Committee Desired Goals (recorded during initial planning meeting):
- To provide a visible presence of people involved with biodiesel in California
- To form a coalition or action committee to help drive the industry
- To have better informed city and county managers and other public officials
About 160 people participated in the California Renewable Diesel Workshop September 25th. Twenty speakers packed the program with subjects ranging from the basics of renewable diesel fuels to benefits, emissions, production, market approaches and successes by current users. As a whole, committee members speakers, and participants felt the workshop was worth their time and that they gained useful information.
Respondents to a survey distributed during the workshop mentioned that to get a better understanding of biodiesel, they would like to have heard more information on pricing, ways to increase demand, and applications for other than motor vehicle engines. To help move the renewable fuel industry forward in California, survey respondents thought necessary steps included state agencies initiating pilot programs, more public education on the advantages of renewable diesel, make pricing more competitive, eliminate NOx increases, use local feedstocks, set policy, and institute tax incentives.
An exhibitor’s area was prepared which contained about five booths. Biodiesel vehicles were available for inspection during lunchtime. Radio and television stations were in attendance to interview workshop organizers of the event.
Recommendations / Follow-up Activities
Nohemi Zerbi, DOE Renewable Diesel Program Manager recorded the following from the final wrap-up session of the workshop:
- More comprehensive emission data (data base)
- Roadmap for the small-scale biodiesel producers (reg., licensing, taxation and other issues)
- Level playing field for other feedstocks
- Low inclusion blends
- Federal agencies to enforce all renewable fuels executive orders
- Comparison study of all renewable diesels
- Look at NOx reduction technologies including after treatment
- Energy benefits comparison between ethanol and biodiesel
- Supply/demand balance - effects prices of petrol and refinery capacity (how much)
- Emissions data for stationary sources (intermittent loads)
- Legislation/incentives for users
- Grant CA money (NOx reduction technology)
- Levelize excise tax on Fischer Trosch fuel.
Workshop Sponsored by:
- U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Fuels Development
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- California Energy Commission, Transportation Technology Fuels Office
For PROGRAM information, please contact:
Gary Yowell or Jerry Wiens
Clean Diesel Program
California Energy Commission - Sacramento
Phone: 916-654-4698 or 654-4649
| Agenda | | |
8:30 AM |
Welcome Welcome from CEC and DOE
- Gary Yowell, California Energy Commission
- Nohemi Zerbi, DOE Renewable Diesel Program
8:45 AM |
A Snapshot of Diesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Today Moderator: Jerry Wiens, California Energy Commission
- Michael Nyberg, California Energy Commission Fuels Office—Diesel Fuel Perspectives
- K. Shaine Tyson, National Renewable Energy Laboratory—Biodiesel Overview
- Jim Evans, Shell/Equilon—Gas-to-Liquids Overview
- Jim Peeples, AAE/Octel-Starreon—E-Diesel Overview
10:00 AM |
Macro Benefits and Polices Moderator: Pat Perez, California Energy Commission
- Jim Duffield, USDA Office of Energy and New Uses—Economic Analysis - New Products
- Elisa Lynch, Blue Water Network— An Environmental Perspective
- Sam McCahon, McCahon Law Offices— Legislative Initiatives
11:00 AM |
Renewable Diesel Users: Panel Discussion Moderator: Nohemi Zerbi, US DOE
- Greg Russell, US Postal Service
- Kent Bullard, Channel Islands National Park
- Ed Hardiman, Cal-Trans
- Dave Williamson, Berkeley Ecology Center
- Dave Skokan, Bodie Concrete
12:00 PM |
Lunch and Exposition on Capitol Steps- Diane Virva, Cyctoculture
- A box lunch will be served at the Green Area and Front Access of the Hyatt Hotel.
- Exposition: "Smell the Tailpipe"
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Breakout 2: Getting Renewable Diesels to Market Moderator: Gary Yowell, CEC
- Graham Noyes, World Energy and Tom Burke, Olympian—Biodiesel Logistics
- Rick Geise, Griffin Industries—CMAQ Incentives
- Jim Evans, Shell Equilon—GTL Fuels
- Jim Peeples, AAE/Octel-Starreon—E-Diesel: New Market Opportunities for Ethanol
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Breakout 1: Renewable Diesel Fuel Emissions Moderator: Gary Yee, CARB
- TBD, California Air Resources Board – Diesel Toxicity Reduction Plan
- Theresa Alleman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory—Biodiesel Emissions
- K. Shaine Tyson, NREL and Steve Howell, Mark IV—Air Toxics
- Tom Durbin, CE-CERT, Univ. of California – Riverside—Recent Emission Testing
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Breakout 3: Making Biodiesel Moderator: Nohemi Zerbi, US DOE
- Wes Berry, Ocean Air Environmental—ASTM Standards
- Wes Berry, Ocean Air Environmental—Biodiesel Production Technology
- Russ Teall, Biodiesel Development Corp—Nevada Case Study
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Breakout 4: Renewable Diesel Supplies and Trends Moderator: McKinley Addy
- K. Shaine Tyson, NREL – Feedstock Supplies
- John Sheehan, NREL – Life Cycle Inventory Analysis
- Richard Peterson, ANGTL - Supplies and Trends - Alaska
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Wrap Up Discussion—Where do we go from here? Nohemi Zerbi, Moderator
Renewable Diesel Workshops:
Goals: ..."to educate key public officials and the general public
about biodiesel as a transportation fuel" and ..."to build state and
local coalitions that would form the nuclei of a support group that
would promote and eventually lead to local biodiesel production and
Ethanol Producers'
Technical Workshops:
Perspectives from ethanol producers, production technology
providers, and government researchers. Those in attendance were
given the task of exploring the challenges and opportunities
presented by combining cellulosic ethanol streams with existing
grain streams.
US DOE Ethanol Workshop Series:
A series of one-day, state-level workshops to educate key public
officials and the general public about ethanol as a transportation
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