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Event Details

DOE Ethanol Workshop Series

Maryland Ethanol Workshop
A Dialogue on the Potential for the Production and Use of Fuel Ethanol in Maryland

October 11, 2001
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

BWI Airport Marriott
1743 W. Nursery Road
Baltimore, Maryland

Workshop Summary

Congressman Roscoe Bartlett strongly stated his belief in the need for a domestic ethanol industry and expressed his hopes that America learned a lesson from the events of September 11 and will take action. Valerie Reed from the U.S. DOE, Bob Dinneen with the Renewable Fuels Association, and former CIA Director, James Woolsey, all stated as well that the events of September 11 dramatically demonstrated the need for greater energy independence in the U.S. Ms. Reed and Mr. Don Erbach from the USDA said while continuing their support of grain ethanol production, their agencies are aggressively supporting research to cost effectively produce ethanol from cellulose. Mr. Dinneen clarified that ethanol production is on the increase, and there will be adequate supply for the California market as MTBE is phased out. He also said there will be an ever-increasing need for ethanol in the Northeast. Mr. Hosein Shapouri from the USDA Office of Energy and New Uses provided statistics that demonstrated that ethanol production has a positive net energy balance contrary to the recently released study by Professor Pemintel of Cornell University.

In the afternoon, Mr. Al Voudrie reported that the study he completed for the Maryland Grain Producers indicates that an ethanol plant using primarily barley as a feedstock could operate successfully in Maryland, a grain deficient state.

Many other experts in critical areas of the ethanol industry made presentations that helped round out a highly informative and meaningful workshop. Mr. Mike Bryan, BBI International, led the concluding discussion in which workshop participants helped develop a plan of what needs to occur to support an ethanol industry in Maryland.

Important points from the last session of the program

Barriers identified

  • Lack of ethanol education among legislators.
  • Lack of ethanol education among all related organizations and agencies.
  • In the legislature, agriculture represents a very small percentage.
  • For the financial community, more than knowing ethanol and other products will be needed to satisfy them. They want contracts, more assurances.

Recommended actions
  • Lobby and educate not only the agricultural legislators, but also the urban legislators- especially about the environmental benefits.
  • Find a legislative champion(s) of the movement to increase the use of ethanol in Maryland and its production in state.
  • Remain persistent about all facets of the ethanol effort, including the financial side. Especially with the first production facility, there will be numerous hurdles along the way.
  • Investigate the possibility of a federal mandate. It would definitely speed the states forward.
  • States need to ask the federal government for an aggressive renewables program.
  • Develop a list of the benefits of ethanol that has at least one important key point for each legislator…something that makes them take notice.
  • Form an ethanol committee/group that meets on a regular basis. It’s the best way to keep the momentum going.
  • Build a broad based legislative coalition.
  • Do an analysis of the dollars leaving Maryland to bring energy to Maryland.

Workshop Survey Action Points

Surveys were distributed during the workshop, and from the nominal number turned in, the following notes were recorded:

  • Future action to move biomass industry forward in Maryland.
    • Get legislators to agree to ethanol as the oxygenate of choice.
    • Develop public support.
    • More government & state incentives.
    • Outreach education & lobbying for legislative actions.

  • Additional comments on the workshop overall.
    • I recommend trying to get a greater variety of opinions – this could include developers.
    • Would very much like to see VA & MD work more closely on this issue.

Volunteers for an Ethanol Action Committee

  • Hosein Shapouri
  • Dan Brann
  • Jim Craig
  • Frank Bull

  • Maryland Energy Administration
  • Maryland Department of Agriculture
  • Maryland Department of the Enironment
  • Northeast Regional Biomass Energy Program
  • U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fuels Development

For PROGRAM information, please contact:
Jerline Williams
Maryland Energy Administration, Renewable Energy Program
phone: 410-260-7190
e-mail: jwilliams@energy.state.md.us

If you would like to be notified about the US DOE Ethanol Workshop Series Workshops, please provide your contact information to Anne Wester:

Anne Wester
Conference Planning Assistant
BBI International
PO Box 1146
Salida, Colorado 81201
Phone: 719-539-0300
Fax: 719-539-0301

  8:00 AM    Registration and Continental Breakfast
  8:30 AM    Welcome
Dale Baxter, Assistant Director, Maryland Energy Administration
  8:35 AM    An Overview of, and Maryland's Role in, the National Bioenergy Initiative
Valerie Reed, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fuels Development
  9:00 AM    What's Driving the Industry
Bob Dinneen, President, Renewable Fuels Association
  9:30 AM    Fuel Ethanol 101: A Panel Discussion
Moderator: Don Erbach, USDA, Agricultural Research Center
  • Grain and Cellulose Ethanol Production and Use as Fuels: James Craig, Agricultural Research Service
  • Vehicles that use Ethanol: Lynne Hoot, Maryland Grain Producers & Utilization Board
  • Positive Net Energy Balance: Hosein Shapouri, USDA – Office of Energy Policy and New Uses
  10:30 AM    Refreshment Break
  10:45 AM    Important Aspects of Fuel Ethanol: A Panel Discussion
Moderator: Brad Powers, Deputy Secretary, Maryland Department of Agriculture
  • Economic Considerations: John Urbanchuk, AUS Consultants
  • Environmental Issues: David Andress, David Andress & Associates, Inc.
  • Maryland Energy Use, Imports and Trends: Charles Miller, Maryland Energy Administration
  12:00 PM    Lunch
Increasing Energy Security from Renewable Fuels
Guest Speaker: R. James Woolsey
Partner, Shea & Gardner
Former Director, Central Intelligence
  1:00 PM    Funding Opportunities
Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett
  1:10 PM    Maryland and Minnesota: States in Action
Moderator: Robert Hutchinson, Maryland Grain Producers
  • Results from Maryland’s Ethanol Plant Study: Al Voudrie, Voudrie Business Development Inc.
  • Minnesota’s Successful State Incentives: Ralph Groschen, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
  2:00 PM    Refreshment Break
  2:15 PM    A Review of Federal and State Policies Related to Fuel Ethanol
Doug Durante, Executive Director, Clean Fuels Development Coalition
  2:45 PM    Facilitated Dialogue with Legislators and Workshop Participants
"Where are we, where do we want to be, and how to get where we want to be?"
Facilitator: Mike Bryan, BBI International
  3:30 PM - 4:00 PM     Adjourn
Wrap-up and Adjourn

About the Programs

Renewable Diesel Workshops:
NREL Goals: ..."to educate key public officials and the general public about biodiesel as a transportation fuel" and ..."to build state and local coalitions that would form the nuclei of a support group that would promote and eventually lead to local biodiesel production and use."

Ethanol Producers' Technical Workshops:
Perspectives from ethanol producers, production technology providers, and government researchers. Those in attendance were given the task of exploring the challenges and opportunities presented by combining cellulosic ethanol streams with existing grain streams.

US DOE Ethanol Workshop Series:
A series of one-day, state-level workshops to educate key public officials and the general public about ethanol as a transportation fuel.

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