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DOE Ethanol Workshop Series
Michigan DOE Ethanol Workshop Series
August 15, 2000 9 AM to 4:30 PM Radisson Hotel 111 North Grand Avenue Lansing, Michigan Michigan Ethanol Workshop
Radisson Hotel - Lansing, MI - August 15, 2000
Sponsors, Co-sponsors & Supporters
Sponsors: U.S. DOE/Regional Biomass Energy Program, Great Lakes Regional Biomass Energy Program, MI Departments of Consumer & Industry Services/Energy Office and Agriculture
Co-sponsors: Ford, GM & Corn Marketing Program of Michigan
Supporters: City of Lansing, Renewable Fuels Association and Iogen Corporation
80 participants representing agri-producers, auto manufacturers, gasoline & oil producers/distributors, utilities, federal, state & local government, associations, MI Clean Cities, colleges, universities and research agencies and the broadcast media.
Special Announcements
New Legislation: Ban on MTBE use in Michigan as of June 1, 2003. Expansion of the urban and rural renaissance zones (designated state & local tax-free development areas) to include agricultural processing plants. The new legislation allows Agricultural Processing Zones to be established anywhere in the state and provides tax-free status for 15 years. Also, a new incentive for ethanol producers was announced -- $5 million for environmental research & value added projects will be available in FY 2001. Contact: Rep.
Larry Julian, (517) 373-0841 for details on any of the above.
In-State Production
One 40-million gallons/yr. corn-to-ethanol plant will begin construction soon. Additional investors are in the discussion/planning phase for two additional plants with a total capacity of 50-million gallons/yr.
E-85 FFVs
GM announced that all Model Year (MY) 2002, 5.3litre/V-8 Tahoe/Yukons and Suburban/Yukons will be E-85 flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) as will the MY2003 Avalanche. Ford will announce a new E-85 sport utility vehicle (SUN) soon and the Ranger pick-up will no longer be available as a FFV after this year.
Daimler Chrysler announced that 500,000 E-85 mini-vans have been sold, approximately 50,000 in MI. Additionally their MY2001 E-85 mini-vans will be certified as meeting the EPA LEV emission standards.
New E-85 Infrastructure
Two new E-85 public refueling facilities opened -- Crystal Flash, St. Johns, just north of Lansing and Don's Windmill Truck Stop, Dimondale, just west of Lansing on I-96. The Corn Marketing Program of MI partnered on both projects and the MI Department of Consumer & Industry Services/Energy Office partnered on the Don's Truck Stop installation. The state now has six public E-85 refueling sites, two in Battle Creek, one in Detroit and 3 in the Lansing/Tri-County Area with additional sites in the planning stage.
Participants gave the meeting high marks, ranking its average overall quality and usefulness as 4.3 on a 5-pt. scale, with 5 being the best possible. Research developments on cellulosic feedstock for ethanol production, like sugar beet pulp and corn stover, were of high interest to the audience. The next steps include forming a public/private sector working group to draft strategies and objectives for statewide ethanol marketing and education. The group will meet on September 18 to begin developing guidelines for
stakeholders to use with various end use groups including users of automobiles, airplanes, off-road vehicles such as snowmobiles, heavy-duty buses, trucks, farm equipment and other small engine applications. This and last year's workshop played an important role in generating support for the proposed ethanol production plants, new E-85 infrastructure and follow-up marketing activities.
This workshop summary was prepared by Energy Office staff. Any feedback would be appreciated. Contact Kelly Launder at (517) 241-6223 or e-mail Jan Patrick at jan.patrick@cis.state.mi.us with your questions or comments.