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August 2001
EWS Newsletter
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Utah - May 10
A Unique Workshop Format

"Biofuels in Utah's Future: A Dialogue"

In March 2001, Governor Mike Leavitt announced the state’s new Energy Policy. In it he states his goal is that Utah’s energy be reliable, affordable, sustainable and clean… a very appropriate backdrop for the Utah Ethanol Workshop held May 10 in Salt Lake City. It was unique and effective in its format. Only two people made formal presentations, and the balance of the workshop proceeded by exploring the varying knowledge bases and perspectives from the attendees.

John Ferrell, Director of the US DOE’s Office of Fuels Development (OFD), gave an overview of the Administration’s vision for increased use of biofuels, which will stimulate rural economy, while reducing dependence on imported energy. John Bennett, representing the Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget, provided a comprehensive overview of the state of Utah’s energy situation. Utah has the highest birth rate in the country and an acknowledged long life expectancy. It is estimated that the state’s population will almost double by 2030. Already, the bulk of their energy is imported.

Through "extended" introductions of the attendees, a bounty of vital information was learned. Utah has a very active Clean Cities program. It has one carbon monoxide non-attainment area – south of Salt Lake City. Diesel emissions are a high concern in Salt Lake City, and E-diesel and Biodiesel could play a critical role in reducing them. There is a proposed ethanol plant sited for the Uintah Basin. The workshop group stated that a low-cost renewable fuel that is reliable in supply and performance is needed that is efficient in its distribution system and lowers emissions. At the same time, it may help the rural economy.

At the conclusion of the intriguing dialogue, the group identified critical action items that need to be followed in order to maintain the momentum started by the workshop. The State Energy Office, Bernell Loveridge and Lisa Yoder, will be the pivot point of activities and communications and, so-to-speak, be the champions of the Biofuels effort along with the Clean Cities Coalition, represented by Beverly Miller. A work group will be formed that will meet on a regular basis in order to achieve the goals set at the workshop.

Bioenergy Coordinator: Bernell Loveridge, Utah Office of Energy Services, Ph: 801-538-8768, Email: bloverid@dced.state.ut.us

EWS News is published by Bryan & Bryan Inc. (BBI), Cotopaxi, Colorado. Kathy Bryan, Ph: 719-942-4353, Email: kbryan@bbibiofuels.com, website: www.bbiethanol.com.

Please check this site often for the latest details, activities and agendas.

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