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5015 County Road 12
Cotopaxi, CO 81223
(719) 942-4353
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EWS Newsletter
North Carolina
Puerto Rico
January 2001
June 2000
July 2000
October 2000

Iowa - August 29
Education Can Never Stop

"Ethanol Fueling Iowa's Economy"

Even in a state that has been a leader in ethanol use and production over the past twenty years and has some of the best educational and promotional programs in the country, the announcement of Iowa being one of the 2001 EWS states was enthusiastically welcomed. Changes in state legislators, changes like MTBE and increased demand, changes such as a dozen proposed ethanol plant projects in the state and two new ones under construction - in the eyes of the Iowa planning committee, all of these changes increase the need for further education and awareness. To this end, Governor Tom Vilsack, past chair of the Governors' Ethanol Coalition, supports the Workshop and hopes to attend and speak at it. If it can be arranged, there may be a press conference prior to the Workshop that will feature heavy-duty diesel trucks. One will be fueled with regular diesel and one with ediesel. This was done at the National Ethanol Conference in Las Vegas, and Iowa hopes to also attract good media with their press conference. Iowa is an ethanol export state with six ethanol plants producing fuel grade ethanol. The goal will be to set the stage for increased in-state use of ethanol blends and distillers' grains with the intention that those expanded marketplaces will help the profitability of Iowa's ethanol producers. But to do so, education and acceptance needs to be continually expanded and updated and that's what the EWS Workshop will help accomplish.

The Iowa Workshop will take place form 8:30 - 4:30, August 29, at the Iowa Farm Bureau headquarters in West Des Moines.

Bioenergy Coordinator: Angela Chen, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Energy Division. Ph: 515-281-4736, Fax: 515-281-6794, Email: Achen@dnr.state.ia.us.


EWS News is published by Bryan & Bryan Inc. (BBI), Cotopaxi, Colorado. Kathy Bryan, Ph: 719-942-4353, Email: kbryan@bbibiofuels.com, website: www.bbiethanol.com.

Please check this site often for the latest details, activities and agendas.

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