Canadian Renewable Fuels Summit
- updated December 11, 2004
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Tuesday, December 7,
7:30 AM -
8:30 AM |
Breakfast Buffet - Ballroom, Convention Floor (C Floor)
Sponsored by: Aird & Berlis
8:00 AM |
Session Audio #1
(22.4 MB mp3, 0:48 length )
Program Begins - Ballroom, Convention Floor (C Floor)
Master of Ceremonies -
- Mike Bryan, President, BBI
Biofuels Canada and BBI International
8:10 AM |
Breakfast Speaker
- Joe Jobe, Executive
National Biodiesel Board (USA)
8:45 AM |
Welcome and Conference Opening
- Kory Teneycke, Executive
Director, Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
- Christine Paquette,
Executive Director, Biodiesel Association of Canada
9:00 AM |
Session Audio #2
(37.5 MB mp3, 1:21 length)
Economic Benefits of Renewable Fuels
Presentations and Panel discussion with:
AM |
Break - Ballroom Foyer, Convention Floor (C Floor)
Sponsored by: Ashland Canada Corporation, Drew Industrial
AM |
Session Audio #3
(29.5 MB mp3, 1:04 length)
Government Perspective on Renewable Fuels
Speeches by leading provincial and federal policy makers including:
- Hon. Eric Cline,
Minister of Energy & Resources, Saskatchewan (Video)
- Michael Mitchell, Executive
Director, Special Projects, Industry and Resources, Saskatchewan
- Hon. David Walter Chomiak,
Minister of Energy, Science and Technology, Manitoba (Video)
Jeff Kraynyk,
Energy Policy Analyst, Energy Development Initiative Branch of Dept.
Energy, Science and Technology, Manitoba
- Hon. Steve Peters,
Minister of Agriculture & Food, Ontario
Chris Johnstone,
Director of the Ethanol Expansion Program, Natural Resources Canada
12:00-1:15 PM |
Lunch - Ballroom, Convention Floor (C Floor)
Sponsored by: Rothsay
1:30 PM
Session Audio #4
(32.7 MB mp3, 1:11 length)
Investing & Financing
Presentations and panel discussion with:
2:45 PM
Break - Ballroom Foyer, Convention Floor (C Floor)
Sponsored by: Sulzer Chemtech
3:15 PM
Session Audio #5
(50.6 MB mp3, 1:50 length )
Environmental and Agricultural Benefits
Presentations and panel discussion with:
4:00 PM
Political Priorities for 2005
Panel discussion on mandates, incentives and trade issues with:
- Bliss Baker, Vice
President, Commercial Alcohols Inc.
- Kory Teneycke, Executive
Director, Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
- Brad Hanmer, Chairman,
Biodiesel Association of Canada
Jeff Passmore, Executive Vice
President, Iogen Corporation
5:15 PM
Program Adjourns
6:00 PM
Reception - Ballroom Foyer, Convention Floor (C Floor)
Sponsored by: North American Bioproducts Corporation
7:00 PM
Session Audio #6 and #7:
Banquet Welcome (752
KB mp3, 1min 30 sec)
Awards Banquet (22
MB mp3, 47:56 length)
Awards Dinner -
Ontario Room, Convention Floor (C Floor)
Sponsored by: Monsanto Canada
Industry Awards:
- Biodiesel Innovation Award:
Dr. David Boocock
- Ethanol Innovation Award:
Pat Foody, Sr.
- Green Fleet Award:
Roger Smith
- Renewable Fuels Leadership Award:
Hon. Jerry Pickard
- Pioneer Award:
Terry Daynard
- CRFA Leadership Award:
Bliss Baker
- CRFA Excellence Award:
Hon. Steve Peters
9:00 PM
Adjourns |
Organized by BBI
For more information,
contact Sigrid Villeneuve, BBI International, Conference Organizers, at
519-576-4500 or
conferences@bbibiofuels.com .
Shaping the Industry |
Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
Biodiesel Association of Canada